Development by Perm scientists will improve the environmental friendliness of cellulose production

<img src=”” alt=”Development of Perm scientists will improve the environmental friendliness of cellulose production”/>Cellulose is used to produce paper and cardboard – a fibrous material obtained by chemically treating wood. After its production, liquid waste is formed – sulfite liquors, consisting mainly of high-molecular chemical compounds. Their processing is a complex technological and environmental problem, since when they enter natural reservoirs, they increase their overgrowth. Therefore, before dumping them there, they must first be neutralized – sent to special treatment facilities. The problem is that the main component of sulfite liquors is lignosulfonates, that is, substances, the discharge of which into treatment equipment leads to disruption of their operation and, as a result, poor waste treatment. To avoid this, scientists from Perm Polytechnic University have developed a method for destroying lignosulfonates, which will reduce the load on treatment facilities by 70-80 percent.

Source: money matters