Ilya Udalov: “Insects do not reflect on their lives, but the way they behave forces us to reconsider the paradigm that their brain is simpler than that of vertebrates”

<img src=”” alt=”Ilya Udalov: “Insects do not reflect on their lives, but the way they behave makes us reconsider the paradigm that their brain is simpler than that of vertebrates””/>Many people love winter only because there are no insects at this time. Doctors even came up with a name for this “dislike” – insectophobia. According to statistics, up to six percent of US residents suffer from it. The rest are usually not interested in such a “trifle” at all. And in vain! Insects are a whole world, very intelligent and mysterious. Naked Science spoke with Ilya Udalov, a candidate of biological sciences, a tour guide at the Zoological Museum of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and a popularizer of science, about their evolution, the largest representatives in the history of the Earth, and, of course, the cognitive abilities of these tiny creatures.

Source: money matters

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